How do you feel about Kylie Jenner becoming the worlds youngest billionaire?

It makes me so sad and angry. My wife says i'm just jealous, but really i'm not I just can't understand why she is worshiped like a goddess by so many young women. she has nothing to say, no talent,no charm, just the face of a make up company. Am i just being a grumpy old man?


Thanks for the answers so far. Im not really bothered by what goes on in media myself, just try to get on with my life. But when i heard she has 128million followers on twitter, something inside me just swelled up - like a realization that the world is ******! I'm sure i'll move on, but the world is ****** isn't it?


Favorite Answer

this is what I feel, she the woman in the video forgot her child

Blue Sky2019-03-06T13:51:20Z

I think its a joke. Forbes magazine made it sound like she did it all on her own, when it fact she didn't. Most of her money came from that stupid show and all her cosmetics are nothing but rip offs.


I have never given it any thought really but its no more Bizarre than all the millionaire footballers that are so hero worshipped.
It`s all quite obscene in a way.
It must be extremely stressful to be famous and loaded and not able to live a normal life like the rest of us peasants.
Fear of being robbed or kidnapped etc, by some fanatic, must make life feel quite unstable for them all.


Sir? I happen to agree with you 100 percent. And could not care in the least that shes the youngest billionaire.


IDGAF about any of them. I never have and never will. Because life is chaotic and random I just embrace the chaos.