How to tell your boss you’re giving a two week notice?


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Copy and paste this, fill in your info, and hand it to your boss.

Dear (boss's name)

Thank you for this job opportunity here at (company name). I have learned a lot and enjoyed my time here. This letter is to inform you that I'm resigning from my position in 2 weeks. The last day that I am available to work is (date).

Thank you again,

Your signature, and date
Your printed name

Fill in the blanks, print it, sign it, and then walk up to your boss and say "hey boss's name, here, this is for you. Thanks for this opportunity, this note is to let you know I'm stepping down in a couple weeks.

You do not need to provide any information about why you are leaving. Its entirely optional, and you should keep it generic if you do choose to say anything. Just something like "I'm going to pursue another opportunity" or "I'm going to focus on my schooling for a while" or something like that.


Stfu and die


You can type out a resignation letter or ask for a one on one meeting


in writing


Hand him your written two notice in an envelope.

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