When someone answers your question with a quote from the bible. Do you feel like taking their bible and smacking them on the head with it?


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No, because it wouldn't do any good. I do understand where you coming from, though. Talking to an idiot can lead to thoughts of violence.


Since this is R&S, it makes sense to use that very source.


Your question reminds me of this Bible passage, and I quote: "For the message about the cross is nonsense to those who are being destroyed, but it is God's power to us who are being saved" (1Cor 1:18).


NO. Once I see a bible verse I stop reading.

Hi T2019-03-09T19:37:49Z

No. The Holy Bible is the inspired word of God. But if didn't believe in forgiveness I might be tempted to wack an Atheist over the head with the complete works of Darwin. I'd rather believe in the inerrant word of God, than the erring idea's of humans, most of whom cannot agree about anything much.

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