Oscillations physics question?

A mass is attached to the end of a spring and set into oscillation on a horizontal frictionless surface by releasing it from a stretched position of
x = +0.150 m.
The mass of the block is
m = 0.607 kg,
the force constant of the spring is
k = 61.3 N/m.
Determine the following.
(a) force component that the spring exerts on the block just before the block is released (Indicate the direction with the sign of your answer.)

Incorrect: Your answer is incorrect.

What does Hooke's law tell us about the force exerted by a spring? N

(b) angular frequency ω of the resulting oscillatory motion

(c) maximum speed of the oscillating mass

(d) magnitude of the maximum acceleration of the oscillating mass


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(a) force component that the spring exerts on the block just before the block is released

F = -kx
F = -61.3(0.150)
F = - 9.195 N
F = -9.20 N when rounded to 3 s.f.

(b) angular frequency ω of the resulting oscillatory motion

ω = √(k/m)
ω = √(61.3 / 0.607)
ω = 10.0 rad/s

(c) maximum speed of the oscillating mass

vmax = Aω
vmax = 0.150(10.0)
vmax = 1.50 m/s

(d) magnitude of the maximum acceleration of the oscillating mass

amax = Aω²
amax = 0.150(10.0)²
amax = 15.0 m/s²

I hope this helps
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