Oscillations physics?

A mass of 327 g is attached to a spring and set into simple harmonic motion with a period of 0.266 s. If the total energy of the oscillating system is 7.14 J, determine the following.
(a) maximum speed of the object

(b) force constant

(c) amplitude of the motion


Favorite Answer

(a) total mech energy = max KE = 7.14 J = ½ * 0.327kg * V²
so max V = 6.61 m/s

(b) from period T = 2π√(m/k) we rearrange to get
k = 4π²m / T² = 4π² * 0.327kg / (0.266s)² = 182 kg/s² = 182 N/m

(c) TME = max PE = 7.14 J = ½ * 182N/m * A²
so amplitude A = 0.280 m

Hope this helps!


A mass of 327 g is attached to a spring and set into simple harmonic motion with a period of 0.266 s. If the total energy of the oscillating system is 7.14 J, determine the following:

(a) maximum speed of the object in m/s
7.14*2 = 0.266*V^2
V = √7.14*2/0.266 = 7.33 m/sec

(b) force constant k in N/m
0.266^2 = (2PI)^2*m/k
k = 6.2832^2*0.327/0.266^2 = 182.5 N/m

(c) amplitude of the motion
T = 2.0*x
x = T/2.0 = 0.266/2 = 0.133 m


uhh no i’m not doing all that. if it’s homework just write random numbers and make it look like you did work then you can get credit bc its a completion grade