Do the conservatives understand that the Mueller report is just the end of the first act?

As far as the drama of Washington politics goes the Mueller report was just the end of the first act. We aren't even to intermission yet. The House will demand the full report, not just a summary letter from a Trump appointee and once they get a copy they'll decide if it warrants an impeachment investigation, act 2. If they truly think this is over I guess they didn't pay attention to the investigations headed by Republicans over the past 30 years.


We understand there will be further witch hunts and persecution of the President.

We also understand Democrats have no intention of finding common ground with the President and conducting the public's business like they are paid to do.

Good luck explaining that in 2020.


This is like the loser guy at the bar that didn't meet a girl and then won't leave. Then he hits on the bar staff as they clean up until he's kicked out. Then, he goes to Waffle House and hits on girls until he's kicked out. Then he hangs out in the parking lot trying to score.

And then he does the same thing week after week and never figures out that it doesn't work.


You sound like a child that just lost a game.


Doesn't matter. The Federal Reserve has taken
over all the TV stations and is trying to frame Trump.

The Fed is behind the push for the New World Order. Don't say we didn't try to warn you.


Let's keep an eye on Trump's approval rating for the next couple of months.

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