How to open up a Python Script?

Hello. So I am teaching myself Python, but I have a very basic and elementary question.

I downloaded python for windows
Python 3.7.3amd64.exe.

It was a total of four programs from that file. I don't know what Python Modules Doc and Python Manuals are, but they don't give me what I want, the script. Then the other two files I downloaded are Python 3.7 and Python IDLE which both open up a Python Shell, but I cannot figure out how to open the actual script.


Favorite Answer

I download pythonui and save a new script. It will save like and you will see what directory it saves too. The py file is just a text file, if you have a .py or .txt file in that directory then it will display and open when you select file-open.


We bought all the Python scripts because we enjoyed the TV series and movies so much. My son and a friend memorised The Dead Parrot sketch when they were in Middle school. They are both 38 now - and probably remember it all.
Sorry - low hanging fruit.