I am desperate every love song makes me think of her, when I’m upset all I want is to be held by her, she’s the first and last thought on my mind everyday. This has been happening for weeks it’s so hard to see her and think only of her as a friend. SHOULD I TELL HER AND POSSIBLY RUIN OUR FRIENDSHIP OR KEEP IT TO MYSELF AND TRY TO RID MYSELF OF THESE FEELINGS?


SHE’S BISEXUAL! I told her she wasn’t weirded out it akward about it! She said she might like me too but she doesn’t want to break my heart. We’re going to talk more about it another time! Thank you for all your answers


Favorite Answer

People have always thought I was straight (I have been boy crazy my whole life), but I recently came out bisexual. You never know until you ask lol. Bring up the topic of sexuality with her and ask her if she's ever been attracted to girls.

Pearl L2019-04-03T20:54:25Z

rnaybe you should tell her


Get her drunk. You might be able to turn her at least bi.


If you have an idea that she is straight then most likely she is. If you are going to be anyone's friend and they are going to be your friend they should know who you are and you should be fine with what you are. How can you be comfortable with someone that you must hide things from? If you had the kind of friendship where she knew you were lesbian then if she is she would then tell you, but that cannot happen if you are not honest about who you are. If by chance you told her you were lesbian do not speak of your crush just see how she handles that then you could determine if she likes you are not. If she cannot accept you being a lesbian then you have no friend in her.


That depends on how close your friendship is and if she already knows your sexual preferences. The safest path is to do nothing and try and get over your feelings. However if you do decide to tell her, you need to be prepared for all the possible outcomes, both good and bad, including losing your friend. Best of luck!