What should I do with my wisdom teeth?
I got my wisdom teeth removed more than a year ago. When I got them taken out, they gave them to me in a plastic bag. So what should I do with them?
I got my wisdom teeth removed more than a year ago. When I got them taken out, they gave them to me in a plastic bag. So what should I do with them?
Voodoo charm necklace. Or as a pair of earrings for an Evil Tooth Fairy costume.
leave them for the tooth fariy
After the N. America Bison were largely exterminated,
calcium interests paid people to scour wildlands to
collect Bison bones. When ground they assisted
agriculture. Suggest grinding your pair extra fine
and see then added to a potted plant. Or. add them to
a wagon load of Bison bones if such rattles past you.
Put them in the bin.
Bubba Gubbins