what do I do if there is sauce in my charging hole?

I had my laptop in my bag (MacBook Pro 2017 with 2 lightning 3 charging cables, the ones where the outlet plug is a hollow oval and the plug on the laptop is a oval opening with a slit in the middle) so I had a bottle of sriracha in there too and it kinda exploded everywhere and I tried wiping it out, which it is out, but thing is, it won't charge, what do I do?


Stop putting sauce in your charging hole. It's a sin.

Andy T2019-04-07T10:32:13Z

I had a feeling it is gone because what you tried to do; cotton swab with medical alcohol to clean the sauce on the tip and another dry cotton swab it clean, let dry for an hour or 2 to be safe. Though I am not sure.


I knew about hot-plugging but this is a whole new level!

Why not buy a whole new cable? Its shouldn't be that expensive - around $5?

Just the wire, right? You can try washing it IN alcohol. The wire itself, you can safely wipe with water and soap and then just water. The ends, try shaking them in a glass of alcohol. You can wipe them off with q-tips. Stand dry for a day before using. Don't use acetone or nail polish remover. You might melt some plastic parts and short the wiring.

Spock (rhp)2019-04-05T20:14:11Z

cleaned it out with cotton swab ["Q-tip"] already? if so, it needs a technician to open the case and see what's what


You could try a cotton bud dipped in IPA (isopropyl alcohol), otherwise you will need to take it to a tech.

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