Is Trump becoming everything the conservatives fear?

Trump is putting an occupying force of federal troops in the border states. He's stealing money from Veterans to pay for his wall. He signed an executive order giving oil companies free reign over states, a violation of States Rights. He told the head of the Border Patrol to do as they please since he will grant them amnesty the minute they are arrested. He is exploding the national debt. He is doing everything the conservatives claimed they feared from "those liberals". So will the conservatives revolt against him since he's everything they feared?


Trump would do well to get on a plane and resume his foreign policy efforts abroad. Domestically, he's getting vexed over the Wall and the Mexicans. It's bad for his health to stay in America because he has no peace of mind here.


Everyone attacked you and not your questions.

Moments like these should show the true logic of the average con.

Everything you said is completely true. So they try to assassinate your character.

The pattern.

The Lord Humungus.2019-04-12T23:12:13Z

Yeah that is't what Conservative fear.

They basically are just ascared of black presidents. They're find with everything you listed.


Trump is doing an excellent job .

The fact that you are as desperate and panicked as you are only serves as more proof of it .


you are really reaching on this one