If someone saw an earthquake hit during the World Series live when they were in 8th grade, about what year were they born?

The earthquake hit where they were playing the World Series, the 8th grader was watching it from halfway across the country.

Atarah Derek2019-04-16T00:05:47Z


Old Man Dirt2019-04-15T23:24:48Z

It depends on how many grades they flunked, got set back or advanced in school.


That earthquake was in 1989.
An 8th grader would be 13 years old, so they were born in 1976.
Not sure why this very simple math is a question.

Mr. Smartypants2019-04-14T08:37:16Z

The earthquake was in 1989. The World Series was between the San Francisco Giants and the Oakland A's, just across the Bay. One of the games, at Oakland was interrupted by the quake.

So how old is an 8th grader? I'm guessing about 13. (It's been a long time since I was in the 8th grade. That was the toughest three years of my life!)

So he/she would have been born in 1976.


That would make them (if they didn't flunk somewhere before that....or advanced ahead) around 13/14 years of age when the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake happened. So, they would have been born in 1975/1976.