Frequency question?

If two successive resonant frequencies for an open ended organ pipe (open at both ends) are 387 Hz and 430 Hz, and the speed of sound in air is 343 m/s, determine the following.
(a) frequency of the fundamental

(b) length of the pipe


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If the fundamental frequency is F, then the 2 harmonics are mF and nF where m and n are integers. They are successive, so n=m+1.

With a bit of factoring we get 387/430 = 9/10
m=9 and n=10.

The fundamental = 430/10 = 43Hz
(or use 387/9 = 43Hz)

Wavelength of fundamental λ = v/F = 343/43 = 7.98m
For both ends open,L = λ/2
L = 7.98/2 = 3.99m