How will my job charge me for an item I couldn't return?
So I've been working for this job and had a 2 day training and today was my first day out on my own giving people free phones if they were eligible. I didn't feel comfortable to begin with doing this job and I finally quit. I returned to my job and nobody was to be found at the office and the door was locked . So I called the boss no answer, called a coworker he told me to meet up with another coworker and he wasn't even at the location so I told him and he gave me his number and the phone rang twice and ended. So I told him about it and that I was leaving and going to return the phones and tablet on monday since nobody will be there tomorrow. I have the phones in my backpack and a tablet and I was told if the tablet was lost or broke I would be charged 750 dollars for it. How would they charge me if they dont even have my bank information just my social security number and ID number but they never took copies of it . Should I keep it or would they somehow be able to take my money with my given information???