When your at a funeral and see a dead person do you ever feel a vibe where they have no soul anymore?

Its like something from them has left their body. I mean when I see someone sleeping I know their a living and you get a vibe of that they're here but when I see a dead person or whatever I know get this vibe like they arent themselves anymore, its like the body is another object like a rock for example. I mean its not because their dead its just I always get these weird vibes. And I do know god exists its just kind of a weird feeling.


Oh, so you noticed?? I know a gal who married a stiff.


Yes you can feel it in the pit of your stomach and in your heart. You see the person no longer animated laying in a position that will always be the same. The personality and spirit and soul is gone. And now that strange reality that you only feel at funerals and you smell that pungent scent of flowers that somehow adds to it. We all will have that day. The bible says absent from the body, present with the Lord. I like those vibes.


I see a corpse, I see the body of a person who is no longer living. I helped put one on a ME gurney once, after seeing the man expire and draw his last breath (he was end-stage cancer, in a hospice setting). Touching a body even wearing gloves is one of the more distasteful tasks I have ever done.


A dead person doesn't have a soul anymore. The soul leaves the body when a person dies. All that is left is a shell - the dead biological components that the soul inhabited while the person was alive.


I remain unconvinced that the soul exists.

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