If you've ever went through or would undergo surgery, what would you dream a thought of? I'd think of myself as Princess Aurora.?


When undergoing surgery there are different degrees of "anesthesia" which are given to the patient to knock them out, so they feel no pain. . Some degrees completely knock you out, and some are just enough to keep you quiet and inactive. I have gone through both procedures. I didn't dream, that I remember, during a five hour operation, but I lost of lot of blood, and made them afraid I would die! I lived! The other operation, I had a very little bit of "anesthesia," and I knew what was going on. Again I didn't dream. A good question to ask would be, do you dream while under anesthesia? I didn't, but I don't know about other people.


When you go down under anesthesia, you have no control over what you will be thinking of. Most of the time, you'll just want to survive.


Having had several surgeries, I have no recollection between counting back from 10, 10, 9, 8 ...and waking up in recovery.