I have farmers insurance and I’m planning to change auto insurance.?

What auto insurance will you recommend. I am 24 years old. I live in california btw. Thanks

Raymond L.2019-04-27T23:16:04Z

I have Allstate. I pay 85 bucks a month for full coverage. 39 years old. Good driving record. I have no claims, tickets or accidents.


Geico they were one third the cost of Farmers with far better coverage. I left six months ago my self, and spent three weeks checking rates out. Farmers which is related to Centure 21 and my price was $1,100 per 6 months Geico is $438 for the same 6 month period. Allstate was the next best price at $705 same time frame. My deductible was $750. now it is $250. You can also check with ZEBRA for the rates of several insurance companies.

Obi Wan Knievel2019-04-27T10:17:39Z

The one that provides better service than Farmers, hopefully at a lower price.


I like Allstate, but they are not the cheapest. Cheap is not always the best when it comes to handling claims and making you right when there has been an accident.


USAA if you can get it. But only military and military relatives qualify for it.

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