It doesn’t say much for Firefighters and their (lack of) ethics for their support of Chester the Molester Biden don’t you agree?

No one seems to care that he’s a child molester! I don’t doubt they are too, disgusting criminals they are!
Why would you support someone like that? These child moloesters and most likely rapist should be executed not voted into office. You should reconsider your support of him and those like him, I don’t have any respect for you! Your support for him doesn’t say a whole lot for you!


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Trump was accused of that, a thirteen year old girl at Epstein's parties. Nobody seems to care about that. To tell you the truth, I sort of think there are probably more important issues in the world, crime and violence and drugs and war, corruption, evil, I care, but you know, I haven't seen any proof, you haven't provided any, so what's anybody supposed to do?


Wow, you guys are really scared....


Yes,the firefighters came through, big time. They saw through the 10,000 lies, TaxScam, the deficit-busting gifts to billionaires and the embarrassment to our nation. Another reason to thank God for our firefighters.