Telepathy test: which text did I write (and surround)?

(1) Iran
(2) Maximum pressure
(3) A certain country
(4) Minimum


Thank you for answering, Satyrette, Dev and Richard.

The correct answer (chosen by a random number generator for this test) was "Iran".

Dev said in his answer: "Telepathy does not exist". But he also said, in a comment to Richard's answer: "C does not exist". This could lead some people to question his credibility ...


Favorite Answer

Maximum pressure.




Telepathy does not exist. According to this logic, a person who gets the answer right merely guessed the answer and does not show the person is telepathic. The only person who would truly know the answer is the asker.

Possible outcomes:
4 (for each choice) + 1 (if it is a trick and you wrote and circled nothing on the list) + 1 (if you selected multiple) = 6

Hence, I have a 1 in 6 chance of guessing the right answer. There is no logical way to further solve this problem, thus I shall simply pick one and hope for the best.


To reiterate, if I somehow managed to get it right, it does not mean I am telepathic.

I believe this question is a trap to catch scam artists who falsely claim to possess a nonexistent power and to seek out people with a rational mind.


I'm not telepathic, but my power of mental persuasion is strong. So, I will make you change your answer to coincide with the letter of my choosing.

C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C.

The answer is C. It has always been C.

C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C.