I ve had horrible pain in my shoulder and arm for weeks now. Have been to the doctor twice. Still not completely better. Hurts to sit.?

Both times I ve gotten different muscle relaxers. First time it fixed it for a few days but did some work and back to hurting. I ve found lifting dumbbells helped the pain better than pills. 2nd trip, diff. Dr., took xrays and found a neck spasm but nothing in my arm or shoulder. Diff. Muscle relaxer and steroid pack, helped for a few days but trying to get off of them since steroid pack is done. Hurts to sit, hurts to ride in my vehicle, hurts to lay down any way other than on the side that hurts.

At first I was having muscle spasms in my arm and shoulder (felt like something bubbling under my skin). Those have become less frequent but still happen occassionally.

I do have a physical job moving and working on appliances. This is the first time I ve ever had any issues. Other than the neck spasm, xrays didn t show anything else.

Just looking for anyone who had something like this and what they did. Massage? I bought a personal massager and it helps but only briefly. Inversion chair? Haven t tried it but could be worth a shot.


See a physical therapist. I had muscle spasms in my upper back a few years ago. My doctor referred me to physical therapy. They worked up an exercise plan for me that really helped - it's a combination of stretches and resistance work and light weights. I've found that if I slack off the exercise for more than a few weeks, the spasms return, so the exercise program must be doing something. I also get massages once per month.

A Hunch2019-05-12T16:14:05Z

You need to be doing things besides just muscle relaxers.
- stretch therapy
- sports massage
- yoga
- exercises
- etc.


Spasms are usually a problem with a pinched nerve. Have you considered seeing a chiropractor?