Instead of getting a Windows 8 recovery disk to fix my PC, would it be possible for me to just reinstall Windows 7 instead of fixing win. 8?


Check computer hardware is upto running Windows 10. Upgrade memory and do installation Probably with compatibility mode.


as long as you have a legal windows 7 licence code then sure go for it, windows 7 is much better than windows 8


If it came with windows 8, you need to use windows 8. There are rarely drivers for older operating systems, and installing Win 7 might cause more problems then it fixes.

You can download a win 8 recovery for free from MS's site.


You still use Windows 8, Why not get Windows 10?


If you have a valid Windows 7 key, sure.

If your computer came pre-installed with Windows 8 then that key is only good for that however. In addition, you may run into driver issues as there may not be Windows 7 compatible drivers for it. A generic Windows 7 installation won't have any of your manufacturer's custom drivers, and your manufacturer probably won't bother making custom drivers for older Windows versions than the system shipped with.

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