Credit Card situation, suggestions please?

What do you know about the CLEARme service at the airports? I got dragged over to the kiosk at LAX last week. Frankly did not know exactly it was. A way to get through TSA faster.

They got my CC info. They will charge me $180 soon. Per others on yelp, their customer service is not great. Some still get charged even after sending a “quit” email. I am thinking about reporting my cc lost. Would that stop further charges from them since they issue me a new card.

What would you do ? Many thanks.


And, I am no longer a frequent flyer.


I do not want the service. Or anything like it at this time. Just want to stop further charges on my card. Knowing that others have said on yelp that their customer service does not follow through. Thanks.


Favorite Answer

Reporting the card lost would not stop them from charging you. However, it might stop them from charging you only what they were going to charge you. If they were not able to charge your credit card, then you would have to pay them another way, and if you didn't pay them on time, then they would also charge you collection costs, attorney's fees, etc.

If you want to cancel the card, fine, but wait until after you successfully cancel this service first.

W.T. Door2019-05-14T01:46:18Z

It is a commercial service and neither TSA nor US Immigration are partners with them.

Better would be to get TSA Pre ($85) if you only fly domestically or Global Entry ($100) if you travel internationally. Global Entry includes a TSA Pre membership.