Should I say dear god, dear Jesus, or dear lord when I begin to pray? And should I say in Jesus name amen when I end the prayer?


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It's all good.
I start most of my prayers with " Oh Lord my God " and always end them in " in the name of Jesus I pray ".
Any way you start your prayer is good, God knows the thoughts and intents on the heart.
Yes, In Jesus name to end every prayer. No man goes to the Father but by that name Jesus.


You can use any of them. I often pray starting with "Father", sometimes "Lord" and "Jesus". The prayer spoken (or unspoken) needs to be in faith and in sincerity. "A broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise".


If you knew Jesus, God would be your Father, and you wouldn’t have to ask this question.

k w2019-05-15T11:11:12Z

Our Father who art in heaven if it's your will, pray, in the name of Jesus Christ....amen
and you don't have to say it out loud, He knows what you're thinking....

The Holy Shroud of Turin2019-05-15T11:07:47Z

It's more powerful if you call on all 3 members of the Trinity. I would say "in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit"....then begin the prayer

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