Did the Labour Party lose their election in Australia because of global warming?

The Liberal Party was expected to lose handily. In the closing weeks, Labour started talking up global warming and this election is about climate change.
Conservatives managed to keep their majority in a stunning upset.


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One thing the alarmists have to do is keep the true nature of the "solutions" quiet.

We saw in France what happened when the people learned what "saving the planet" entailed.


The Labour Party spin doctors will doubtless find some other reason.

The Liberal/Country party will be laughing all the way to Canberra.
Expect no policy change for the next 4 years.


I'd make three observations ...

1. It used to be the case that polling was done by asking people in person. Now we use online techniques, questionaires, surveys, analysis of Twitter feeds and so on. And yet we see 'shock' results all over the planet. Clearly, it isn't working very well.

2. In most countires you find from surveys that the majority of people support things like alternative and renewable energy sources, support reducing CO2, and support measures to tackle climate change. But, if you think about it, we have known about global warming for nearly 40 years. What we haven't seen is that support manifest in terms of radical policy decisions. Which leads me to ...

3. When it comes to elections, people worry about the same things the world over - their jobs, their taxes, their energy bills, transport, health, and education. So there is a disconnect between attitudes towards global warming and solutions, and policies of political parties. The public is not yet convinced that you can tackle climate change without it impacting jobs, their taxes, their energy bills, and transport infrastructure. Political parties have not been effective in explaining the impact on those things of climate change policies. Instead, they use a more wishy washy moral argument and talk about future generations which doesn't cut it. And we have seen this all over the 'Western' world, not just in Australia.

$@!ar W!nd2019-05-23T10:46:54Z

That seems to be what Jo Nova believes too!


I will be interesting to see what happens in Canada, who is gearing up for a fall election. The global warming propaganda is rampid up there now.


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