Aren't most people in most countries nationalists and not globalists for the simple reason they like their countries the way they are?


I would openly state that in at least 91 countries in the world if citizens openly stated what they would like to see done in their country, truthfully and honestly, they would face imprisonment.

Spock (rhp)2019-05-20T12:47:19Z

many peoples plainly do NOT like their country the way it is -- and all too many people are cowed into silence by dictatorial governments bent on exercising conttrol over everyone other than their own little fiefdom


Social grouping is a human trait and the reason most people are nationalistic or tribalistic is because they feel threatened by something and they know that they are stronger when they are aligned with others that face the same threat.
If we ever face an extraterrestrial threat, like an asteroid on a collision course or something of that nature, then we will quickly become globalistic.


The wealthy are globalist. These days, one cannot just stick to local markets to sell goods.


I have no idea what most people in most countries are. I know most people in this country, my country, the United States, aren't nationalists. Only a small fraction are. Don't confuse nationalism with patriotism.

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