No Teeth Loss?

I can't wait for Vet visit in 4 days from now. My puppy is now 9 months old and I discovered she has double all her front teeth, canines x8 and all those front tiny teeth between the canines, look like a sharks mouth with rows of them.
Guess, she never lost her puppy teeth.

What is the procedure for this? I am guessing (hoping) the Vet will recommend pulling most of them, but I worry for her having that many teeth pulled only because I know she will have to be sedated several times. Almost lost her when she was about 4 months old and I worry, though she is perfectly healthy now.

Anyhoo thanks for reading. Trying to prepare myself for what Vet might have to recommend this Thursday.

For the record she doesn't appear to have any discomfort nor pain and chews her bully sticks, bones etc like a pro.

E. H. Amos2019-05-21T00:27:43Z

Favorite Answer

The puppy teeth should NOT BE "well rooted" they may pop out very easily with little to no effort. Ask if he can TRY putting her under a "local" to see if he can remove at least some of them (in the first round) if she had trouble with anesthesia before.


They can pull them when she is anesthetized for spaying.

They need to come out as they can damage the permanent teeth. They will not be difficult to remove.


Maybe you're a troll, maybe not. I'm surprised the Vet didn't notice this before. Mine is always checking my dog's mouth. One of my dogs (a black Lab, if it matters) had a reaction to sedation for tooth cleaning and died, so I'm not a reasonable owner when it comes to tooth cleaning.

I have known Vets to wait to see if they fall out; I have known Vets to pull them. It all depends on the Vet.

Does the dog have a problem eating?


wow it took you 9 months to notice this ,Anyhoo so you are not a great owner , you have not been providing health care, for the vet would have noticed this long ago , run puppy run find a new home


The vet troll strikes again

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