Can bad eating cause vagina to smell?

So for the past couple of weeks my eating habit hasn't been great. I’ve been eating a lot and a lot of junk food and could this cause me my vagina to smell a little stronger then usual? I haven’t been sexually active for about two months now. I shower every day some time twice and day. I notice if I wear legging and out and about all day I smell on my underwear

k w2019-05-29T13:33:57Z

vaginal health is directly tied to diet......


i would have to take a look


It definitely can. Diet and grooming are SO intertwined with vaginal pH/smell


use 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with a quart of warm water. douche with this, rinse your crotch with it after a shower. Don't rinse the solution off, just pat dry. The vinegar smell doesn't linger very long at all.... and vinegar is an odor neutralizer that won't interfere with your natural cleansing bacteria or your pH