Why is Y!A all of the sudden popping up with "I'M not a robot" things?
Sure, I'm on here a lot that might fool an anti-spam AI but wouldn't a robot give irrelevant answers that would cause people to report it?
Sure, I'm on here a lot that might fool an anti-spam AI but wouldn't a robot give irrelevant answers that would cause people to report it?
Favorite Answer
The assumption is that it's been done to reduce the bot accounts that frequently post on the site, and to prevent more spam bot attacks like the ones last year that flooded the site.
It would require extra programming to ensure your answers were not 'irrelevant' to the question asked, so it's easier to hire another company (in this case Google) to supply the captcha program for security, as it's unlikely a bot program could provide the correct responses (especially to the visual image format being used).
A lot of users are starting to see it its likely a New Spam Filter that Yahoo is Testing
Its Annoying yes but nothing you can do but go through It
if its a new system to try to prevent bots from answering, it's clearly not working. i've also seen a couple of them.
It is an anti-spam measure.
to prevent spambots like the one here