Harmless way of removing a population of moths on your front porch?

Every time I walk through the front door, there's like 30 of them who all spring up at one time and hover around in a flurry. It's not really annoying, but is there any way I can put something on my porch, like glass of vinegar or something, that will drive the moths away on their own? I'm not looking for any solutions involving exterminating them. I just want them to depart on their own.


This extends beyong night time. They've been building a colony outside my porch for the past week now, and they're present in the day time as well as night time.


Favorite Answer

A nice fan will works nicely...! It won't harm the little fellas but it'll be too much work for them to fly through turbulence.. They will seek greener and calmer pastures....

daniel g2019-06-16T05:41:27Z

Nature will deal with them soon enough, maybe some predator insect or spider will call that hunting ground.
Moths lay eggs on the ground then larvae eat fiber in some plants. Adults do little more than mate then lay eggs and die. Maybe your porch is a good mating area for them.
Try leaving lights off at night.


A bug Zapper! Moths lay eggs that are very destructive!


Yellow bug light on your porch, and a blue light elsewhere to attract the moths away.


turn off lights

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