Why is it ok to list the weights of male athletes but not female athletes?

I'm watching a college softball game and one of the pitchers looks like she's twice the size of the other players. I was curious to see what she weighed, I was guessing 200 minimum, maybe 250 or more. So I went to the team's roster page, and they list heights only, not weights. But if I go to the men's baseball roster page for the same school, they list heights and weights. I'm all for equality, and I think if they list the men's weights they should also list the women's weights. I'm not trying to be sexist. If I saw a male baseball player who looked like that, I would look up his weight as well.


Favorite Answer

Same reason you get paid more for the same amount of work.

18 gibbs 202019-06-02T03:12:27Z

To make it equal they would remove the men's weights. That's how it goes.


Courtesy to the women.