Is the verification for every answer a permanent thing?


....and question, apparently.


For now it is. It is a new anti-spam measure intended to fight spam on the site.


To Early to know if its gonna be a Permanent thing I think we have to give it a Few weeks to see Its Brand New a lot of people seem to be Complaining about It

So its Possible Yahoo may End up pulling it later on Not saying that its 100% guarantee that they will but its Possible


Who knows.
I think they should have verification for every question.
I am still seeing Spam-bots on here.


if it does what it's supposed to do, probably yes



I've come to the conclusion that Yahoo overall actually wants the disintegration of this particular subforum called yahoo answers.

They stopped allocating any funding for the site as of late 2015, so server maintenance is a thing of the past for them.

99% of this site has been automated for a long time now. Including suspensions and removal of questions. So introducing some added garbage obstacle as a function of the site would do nothing but cause further non-participation.

I think Yahoo wants this site as crippled as possible so as to then justify its closure of the site entirely.

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