If you had a meeting w/President Trump, what would you bring?

I'd bring 2 Big Mac combo meals w/sodas and give him one. Then lead with "I got ideas on how we can make America great again".


Favorite Answer

Same as you sounds good


That’s what he buys for himself, he expects others to go further out of their way for him. Like, if you gave him a Big Mac with his face seared into the patty and the fries all say ”#MAGA”. you might get somewhere. Oh, especially if you wrap the whole thing in gold foil. I don’t know if you’ve noticed his taste in decor, but he really likes gold. Saudi Arabia gave him a shiny gold medal early in his presidency, and he wouldn’t shut up about it for a week. Yeah, that could do it. But you wouldn’t want to start talking about your ideas, he wouldn’t be interested in those. What you’d need to do is blame Obama for failing to do something, like “You know what Obama never would have had the balls to do? Resign the presidency. That’s how a real president would do it.” And then make sure there’s an impromptu news conference that he walks in on, before he sees whoever his chief of staff is this week, so he can commit to “his” bold new plan before anyone talks him out of it.

The Notorious Peaches2019-06-05T09:01:20Z

A cheeseburger from In-N-Out


Suicide vest


This should be in the "Dining Out" section - cuz we're dining. However, my guess is some level 7 will make this about politics.

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