DMV, Registration?

So I bought this 2005 Infiniti G35 Coupe like 5 to 6 months ago, and it had valid tags for a couple months from when I bought it, and the tags are expired now and I cant transfer the car into my name unless it passes DEQ, and I went to DEQ and they said that my Oxygen Sensors need replaced, so I replaced them, and I went to DEQ again and it didnt pass again, so my friend told me to register it out of city limits at like a family members house because the DMV wont make me go through DEQ, and my aunt was okay with me doing that, so she gave me her address, I called them DMV and they said she would have to be with me, the only thing I'm also concerned about is that we wrote up a bill of sale and it was a lost title, and I finally got the title, and it said I have to sign the little box at the bottom which i did, and the guy i got it from told me i have 14 days to turn it into the DMV, and I signed it the day that i went to do DEQ and it's been well past 14 days, so what will i have to do? File for another lost title? Will i just have to pay a fee? What's going to happen now? And does the bill of sale expire? I'm just confused and frustrated on how this sh** works, I just want to get the car registered in my name and have this all be done with.


So Like get rid of the "so" and "like" words, rephrase your question in understandable English and you will have a better chance of getting your questions answered...

The "So", " like" generation.....They have no clue.


You seem confused. You were an idiot from the beginning