Do conservatives enjoy being lied to?

Trump is claiming victory in his tariff war with Mexico, except. The actual deal he's taking credit for was made months ago and not part of the current negotiations. He also claimed Mexico would be buying more American farm goods but officials from Mexico deny any such deal was made. Finally Mexico made vague promises to reduce immigration through their country but no real deal to enforce the new plan. So, conservatives are happy to celebrate the "victory" but as the truth comes out do they enjoy once again being lied to?


We are living in aa cult.


Trump was making Mexico do more to control the Central Americans from migrating across its entire country and then claiming asylum in the US. The fact that you don't even know the basic facts of the issue is a good indication of why you are a leftist.


Do idiots enjoy asking stupid questions ?


Nope, that's why they are not liberals.


Looks like another liberal who cannot handle the truth. Trying to turn good into bad won't work here.

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