Robert J
The site rules are generally nothing to do with things being controversial.
Questions should be fact-seeking, not chat or rants - and include enough information so people can give proper answers.
Answers must properly answer the question and not be chat or comments about the question / user etc.
"Delete facebook" is not a properly worded question. Posting to your own question is wrong.
Saying "no" to someone else's question is an explicit rule violation, it's point gaming and not a helpful answer.
Do not base what is permissible on what others do, a large percentage of posts are from trolls and much of the stuff will eventually be reported and deleted.
You are a well known troll. That is why people block you.
Blocked from doing what? Your post is very unclear. Where are you blocked? What website and what specific activity?
On Yahoo Answers, if another user blocks you, you cannot post answers to their questions or post a comment beneath any of their answers. Of course, with so many questions and users on the site, it's not difficult to find PLENTY of other questions to answer or answers to comment upon.
you deserve to be blocked
Peter Boiter Woods
You do not have enough history to tell you. It may be someone thought your answers were not helpful.