How many people actually cry in pain when getting a tattoo done?

And, is the front of your waist for worst spot to get a tattoo?


It hurts so much

Emily Rose2019-06-20T04:59:47Z

I didn't actually start crying but i did tear up and it felt like i was being poked with the tip of a knife and it felt like it was being drug across my skin so it did hurt alot for me and it was on my back but i don't have a high pain tolerance. One of my cousins says needles feel good i say she's a f*cking nut.


I've noticed that the people that think they are bad a s s
are the one that cry when getting tats


While getting tattooed on fleshy parts that don’t have a lot of nerve endings, like the upper arm, dealing with the pain is simple. It doesn’t hurt much more than a bad sunburn, it’s just annoying and burns.
However, on very sensitive parts of your body, bony parts, and spots where there is a nerve bundle… Grit your teeth and bear it. It’s gonna hurt like hell.


Tattoo's aren't that painful, it's sharp at first but then you get used to the needle,the places with fleshier skin is less painful than places where it's near the bone,the ones on the top of my arm didn't sting as much as the ones on my wrists.

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