Should I DM my elementary school crush?

So during elementary school, I met this guy and I fell I love with him. He was also a ladies man and all the girl used to have huge crushes on him. However I never let anyone know about my crush cause I thought it was unnecessary and I was still in the closet. So me and my crushes relationship was a nice one. We weren't friends friends, but we talked about we were nice to eachother. I would always give him my food whenever I can, especially cinnamon rolls, he loves those lol. After all of that l, I got out of public school and I did online school until high school. I lost contact of all my friends, especially him. And now fast forward to this time. I'm 16 years old in college and got an Instagram account and found his Instagram. I followed him and he followed me back. We have been following eachother for quite a while and I really want to message him something cause I still do have feelings for him and would like to be his friend again and get to know him more, but I'm scared to do it. I also met his older brother in college and told him about how I knew his brother from elementary school. And I'm sure he told him that he met me. So wouldn't it be weird for me to just message him after that? Can someone please help me with this? Idk what to do.


Since it's been for such a long time, you don't even truly know the person any more. You would prefer not to appear to be a type of frightening stalker. I would simply treat him like some other potential companion for the present. On the off chance that you message him, ask him how he's been and notice that you can't trust you recalled that him from primary school. Begin there.
anyway, you can send him a message and say hi tell him stories of elementary school.


give it a try. say hi


Message him. It doesn't have to be flirty, probably best you don't go straight flirty right away. Just ask how he has been , what has he been up to.


Since it's been so long, you don't even really know the guy any more. You don't want to come across as some sort of creepy stalker. I would just treat him like any other potential friend for now. If you message him, ask him how he's been and mention that you can't believe you remembered him from elementary school. Start there.