Wasn't satanic bible author anton levay not a devil worshipper, but actually considered 'satan' as a philosophical way of life?

If so, then why was he hired as a consultant on the horror movie "The Devil's Rain"' which is about the actual devil? His infamous book shows instructions on how to summon satan, and demons. Was he just a sham? Or maybe, just like satan, he liked to use deception to gain followers, and help his master beelzebub gain as many lost souls as possible?


Anton was a former circus employee who "worked his way down".

Hell Kitty2019-07-08T01:24:18Z

First, "LaVey", not "levay" Learn to spell names properly if you want a decent answer.Second, he indeed viewed Satanism as a philosophical way of life, not a worship of personalized deity.Third, if you had a chance to read "Satanic Bible" properly, not like you write, you would understand that summoning was for ritualistic purpose only, to add drama into performance And last, he was hired for movie, because he was knowledgeable about different kinds of Satanism, but not necessarily believed in each form.