Area of a square ground is 4500 sq m, a man crosses 3km of its diagonal in an hour, how much time will he take to cross the whole diagonal .?


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First find the side of the square....root 4500 = 67 m ( to nearest m).

Length of diagonal by pythagoras is root 9000 = 95m ( to nearest m)

Travelling at 3km per hour ( which is what I think you meant)

He travels 3000 m in 3600 seconds
1 m in 3600/3000 s
95 m in 3600x 95/3000 = 114 seconds or 1 minute and 54 seconds.


The side of a 4500 m^2 square is 67 m.
The diagonal is sqrt(2*67^2) =~95 m.
If he is walking 3000 m /3600 min. it will take him 1 min 54 sec.


His walk rate is equivalent to taking 3600 secs to walk 3000 m.
Each 5 metres takes 6 secs to walk.
Diagonal D = √(2)s where s is side of square
D^2 = 2s^2 = 9000
D = 30√(10) metres
Time = 36√(10) secs ~ 114 seconds.


Side of square = √4500
Diagonal = √2*√4500 = √9000
= 94.9 m
So it is impossible to walk 3 km along it