Circumference of a cylinder is 4 cm and height is 1 meter , find its radius !?


Favorite Answer

C = 2 × π × r
4 = 2 × π × r
2 = π × r
r = 2 / π
r = = 0.6366197723675814 cm


C = 2 pi r
r = C / 2 pi
r = 4 cm / (2x3.1411592.....)
r = 0.6366 ... cm


Ignore the height and so its radius is 4/(2*pi) = 0.64 cm rounded to the nearest hundredth


Radius r = Circumference C/(2π)
r = 4/(2π) ~ 0.64 cm
Height not relevant


Ignore the height... the cross-section is a circle which you said has a circumference of 4 cm.

C = 2πr
r = C/(2π)

So just divide the circumference by 2π to get the radius.
r = 4/(2π)
r = 2/π
r ≈ 0.64 cm

P.S. You asked this question previously and chose a Best Answer. Is there a reason you needed to ask it again?

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