Can someone explain the t-shirt to me?

Can you explain what it actually means? Is there an underlying bit of sarcasm in the saying? If a person didn't want to come to work or somewhere, they wouldn't. What would make a person finally decide to come?


What would make a person finally decide to come:


If there is any humor, and I don't think there is, it's in the fact that it's rude to say "I didn't want to come" which contradicts the politeness of saying "sorry." I don't think it's aimed at the workplace or anywhere in particular. Would someone pay money for this so they would have it handy when they went to a party or meeting they didn't want to go to? I guess you're supposed to buy it because you think it's funny and wearing it will impress people with your wit. Save your money.

Pat Wooden2019-07-22T14:09:36Z

We don't always have much of a choice about where we go. Maybe it's a family outing, or a work related picnic, or a visit to the in-laws, but it's someplace you need to be don't want to be. So, this shirt just tells it like it is.


its just one of those stupid cringy 2000s shirts


Because you have to, most people don't want to go to work, but they have to, they need to, so the guy is basically saying the truth, he isn't making up any excuse for being late, since everyone knows he doesn't want to be there, so why not just say the truth.

Its funny cause he is not sorry, but no one really is either.

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