Why can't people on here yahoo answer a question and not show that there restarted?

Replys like you need a spelling theropist is mostly auto correct. Maybe thats why they failed school because they can't answers questions on there test. I don't need remakes like oh she wants a threesome come on honestly. You will not get points for best answers. Yahoo answers need something flag someone. And too if you ask someone they reply she wants to f...k. True answers people.


Go back and rewrite your question properly and correctly.


The spelling may be correct in British English, but may look wrong in American English.


Decent people do not use the word retarded even if you spell it cutesey as restarted. Although restarted is actually better and is a word.

No one ever taught you at school the correct ways to use there they're and their.


They're retarded....not....there restarted.
Replies not replys.
Therapist not theopist.
That's not thats.
Their test...not...there test.
If you checked your question before pressing submit, people wouldn't keep correcting your bad spelling and grammar.

Weasel McWeasel2019-07-23T06:59:54Z

assuming by "restarted" you meant "retarded".......... judging by the rest of your illiterate rant........

you need to learn the difference between THERE, THEIR and THEY'RE.

and don't blame that on auto correct.

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