Vaginal discharge is this normal?

So yes I know discharge is normal my boyfriend is back in town and TMI when he is here I get “wet” ALOT. No we haven’t had sex but we did other stuff I pee after and wipe it up with baby wipes. Last night he didn’t (TMI) finger me just teasing and got wet again went to go pee cleaned up a bit showered this morning and I feel like I have discharge doesn’t smell horrible but minor smell is this normal ? I’m scared


A monthly cycle includes 4 different discharges. Why do you keep using "TMI"? Normally we (in answers) will let someone know if it is "too much info". Also, "ALOT" is separate "A LOT".

Diane A2019-07-23T18:41:04Z

yes its normal. what exactly are you thinking and scared about?