how to get rid of a double chin?

i’m 15 i weigh 57 kgs yet my side profile sucks. i’ve tried everything!!


Favorite Answer

That's not a double chin so much as simply the way your neck is formed. That sort of thing is not uncommon. It's a matter of genes.

Even losing weight often won't shift it. People who really want to get rid of the problem opt for cosmetic surgery, but it's not covered by insurance.


There is an injection that removes the fat from just that area. You should see a plastic surgeon to get the best advice. You do not look bad however.

Jimmy C2019-07-30T11:55:12Z

You should try exercise. Lots of exercise will tone up your whole body, including that. You never see an athlete with a fat chin.


Lose weight, is the only option.


if u have tried everything u may need liposuction