Materialism does not explain everything in life. This is proof of something more to life.
jon pike2019-08-16T19:36:12Z
Favorite Answer
It's not that atheists don't know this; they're not morons. It's just that they won't, for whatever reason, acknowledge it.
You clearly don't understand the concepts of science or of evidence. If you did understand those concepts you would understand that a singular, anecdotal occurrence, regardless of how fantastical it sounds, is not scientific evidence, and is certainly not evidence of the supernatural.
For example, we often hear about people saved as a 'miracle,' meanwhile, those killed by the same tornado are somehow forgotten and are not viewed as negative evidence of God's intervention. If you could show that people who pray survive more than those who don't... then you might have a case. But, in reality, there is no difference and prayer does nothing.