Why are they changing the meaning?

After pointing out the heroes that stormed the beaches of Normandy were the first Anti Fascists faux "news" is now trying to say ANTIFA stands for Anti Freedom Of Speech. How low will the conservative element sink to protect Nazis in America?


Rush Limbaugh began calling women "femi-nazi's" in the mid 1990's.
anyone who stated facts that compelled him to the left was a fascist. a nazi was a liberal.

Since then most Americans deny the actual fascist nature of their economic system and
call anyone with a moral or ethical criticism a nazi, a fascist a controller.

In the 2016 election the trolls added millions of posts expressing confusion over whether fascism is a leftist or right wing thing. This meme still gets more play than any real issues in all internet media.


Nazi punks **** off nazi punks **** off.
Nazism is a dead failed ideaolgy 70 Years ago the world rose up against hitler and his chums and gave them a damn good thrashing. Nazis never recovered. You might be a neo nazi wannabe alt right kinda guy oooh your so edgy I'm sooo impressed
Your political views failed totally


Why are you changing the meaning of fascist?


If it looks like a fascist, acts like a fascist and talks like a fascist, it is a fascist. ANTIFA are the brown shirts of today. You can't run around beating on people you disagree with and say they are Nazi's when they clearly arent.


ANTIFA actions are literally anti-free speech.

ANTIFA are scum. ANTIFA are Democraps.

Democraps are crap.

😂 😘 👌 Lolz