Bible students; from your understanding of the Good Message, why do you think the Good Shepherd had to die to redeem His own lost sheep?

Why did the plan of Salvation and redemption require Jesus to die ?

Most readers here know that this is the price of sin and that the wages of sin is death; that Jesus, through death, paid for our sins.

But aside from this, what is it that requires the death of Jesus for us to be saved?

Why can't the carnal spirit or the carnal mind (natural man) be saved?

J H2019-08-24T19:19:20Z

Favorite Answer

I will get back to it.

Why can't the natural man or the carnal ( the animal) be saved ?
Why did Jesus have to die in order to save us?
The wages of sin is death.The soul that sins shall die. Without
blood there is no remission of sin.Also the Lord explained in
Genesis 4,7:'If thou doest well,shall thou not be accepted And
if thou doest not well,sin lieth at the door,And unto thee shall
be his desireAnd thou shalt rule over him.Which means to me
that sin will have dominion.I think that it is very clear that all
Who do not follow after Righteousness love sin and death.
Jesus had to die to save us .The Truth is that Jesus did not
have to save us.

Ernest S2019-09-20T01:37:55Z

He died that we might not.

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: 
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? 

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. 


Blood covenant & praise the lord


The only way that I feel able to respond is personal, my testimony.

When I first went to hear John chapter one, I saw my true state.
I'd known things were bad but hadn't seen I was filled up with toxic waste of my ways, wrong actions, set ups by others, wrong turns, bad moods, boredom, useless escapes that never lasted at all.
I knew I must follow!! Thus 2FollowHim started long ago.

I did not even know about Who Jesus was but I knew this was it, my only chance.
Gratefully I took it, never looked back, not once.
I learned how 'the wages of sin is death' eternal separation from God.
This meant nothing to me...then!! No clue.
But I saw that wrong ways lead badly, and I knew we bring on MORE by our wrong ways!!
What a hopeless mess. I knew I was not part of 'the system' and had no interest
in being part of that.

What could be done?? Somehow a benevolent power was on my side?
This turned out to be Jesus. To totally help, He had to come here, take on
human form and be a sacrifice for ALL Believers. He actually TOOK my sins as far as the judgement goes.
I knew the carnal mind just looked to satisfy itself, which never worked anyway.
I sure saw what the carnal was about. Romans 8:7 explains the disobedience of the carnal.

I would never lift up my carnal as good bcuz it isn't good.
Btw? If I didn't actually answer your question, maybe reframe another one?