Communism is basically the same as Mainstream religion it's just the state enforces it?
So this is why I hope Atheists and Pagans and those of the more free religions can not be swayed and distracted by a few issues the Democrats try to put on the Table. The fact is Trump is doing a great job for our country and other Republicans are standing up for our freedoms in important ways as well. How is Communism similar to the whole God of the Bible thing. At literally every single talking point you will find the Bible in agreement with Communism. Who authored the Bible Jews. Who authored Communism Jews. Who do we never trust if we know what is good for us a Jew. Who owns almost all the liberal groups the liberal media and the Democrap party Jews. Ok you see my point. We must stand up and fight for American freedom and Patriotism and the White race above all not some Jew crucified on a cross and not a classless society controlled by the state. It's the same sheite different toilet.