Ram and motherboard suggestions?

I am building my own PC, I will basically play video games, and do school work, and also watch stuff on it. I have already purchased the AMD Ryzen 5 3600X. I have no idea what would be a good RAM and motherboard, I do want something fast and efficient but it doesn’t have to be pro gamer level since I’m not such a person.


16 GB DDR4 ram would be a good, any motherboard with DDR4 ram, support for a good cpu, and built in bluetooth and wifi would be good


If you are not concerned with overclocking, any motherboard will do where the main thing is what kind of expansion do you want. I recently got the AMD Ryzen 5 2600 and I got sort of a bare bones motherboard because in the past, every time I thought I would use the expansion, needing another upgrade came before ever needing the expansion. The only nice thing that is new to me is this one came with a M.2 slot for and ssd so I bought one for that slot and love it, super fast boot time. RAM is also one of those things you don't have to get carried away with in terms of speed, the amount is primarily what you should focus on. 8GB is probably the minimum and that may not even suffice depending on what you do so I recommend at least 16GB which should be an overkill for a little while. Fast RAM doesn't really offer much of a performance boost, partly because there are usually other things that bottle neck a system other than the speed of RAM. I usually read the customer reviews for anything I buy and if most customers rank a product as good, I am usually quite satisfied with my purchase.

Chris Ancor2019-08-30T01:40:12Z

go to https://pcpartpicker.com/