Do you think you American Christians are the True Patriots?
Well let me tell you something!!! Christianity is the same as Communism!!! It has no place in your life if you are a true American Patriot!!! Tell me Are you!! Or do you sympathize with China and North Korea? If you are a true patriot it is blood and soul above all NOT Jew on a stick then everything else! You can either be a patriot or a communist which one are you?
You have to choose God or Country there is no God AND country. Will you renounce your ties to Christianity and be a true American Patriot. Will renounce liberalism Pedophillia Race Mixing Heroin and Cocaine use and drug addicted prostitutes.
Ok now that you have listened to me visit for more info on how Christianity and Communism is the same sheite just a different liberal degenerate toilet. Yes Christianity is why we have all the things I asked you to renounce.
Thanks and Satan Bless America